Austin Pack 511

The Den

This is a group of 6-10 boys and girls of the same school grade level. Dens can be Lions (kindergarten), Tigers (1st grade), Wolves (2nd grade), Bears (3rd Grade), or Webelos (4th-5th grade).

Dens meet once per month to do an age-appropriate activity for the kids. Dens also work throughout the year towards rank advancement, a set of activities that allows the scouts to earn a badge for their year.

Cub Scouting Program

The Boy Scouts of America provides a TON of resources to cub scouts an their parents. These include day and overnight camps during the summer, adventure days where the kids can learn outdoor skills, STEM-boree to get the kids excited about science & engineering, and all sorts of other fun and educational activities.

Of course, there’s a bunch of other stuff too (like belt loops, pins, badges, patches, popcorn, service projects, etc. etc.), but in the end, between the Den & Pack meetings you’ll have all you need to get your child off to a great start in scouting! If you would like to know more, Contact Us or stop by a monthly Pack Meeting and talk to an adult leader!

The Pack

All the Dens together (K-5) make up a Pack. The Pack meets once per month to do an activity that includes all scouts in the Pack, present awards, and to provide information to parents about what’s coming up in the month ahead.

The Pack also organizes campouts that include scouts from all Den Levels, and other “big” events like the Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, and sports outings.

Youth Protection

The Scouting America movement is committed to youth protection training for all adult leaders and volunteers. Youth protection measures include:

  • Criminal background checks.

  • Banning one-on-one adult and youth interactions.

  • Mandatory reporting of suspected abuse to law enforcement.

  • Two-deep leadership on all outings.

  • Privacy of youth is respected.

Pack Meetings

We meet once a month as a pack on Thursdays at Huffman Hall in St. Matthew's Episcopal Church.

Annual Dues

Annual dues are paid each scouting year, starting in September, and include both national and local pack dues. Dues cover campouts (including meals and campsite reservations), pack meeting costs, advancement and awards, and more. Amounts and payment methods are available by inqthe contact us page.