Next Pack Meeting Mar 6th (PWD Car Cutting) 

@ 6pm @ St. Matts - Please make sure your cubs car is ready to be cut

Family. Fellowship. Fun.

Adventure, camping, pinewood derby. This is cub scouts.

We are Cub Scout Pack 511 from Austin, Texas. We meet monthly at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church near Hill Elementary School. All boys and girls ages 5-11 (1st grade through 5th) are welcome to join the Pack!


Learn about hiking, nature, science, citizenship, first aid, sports, and more!


3-4 times a year our Pack (50+ kids and their families) gather for weekend campouts.

Pinewood Derby

Help your child build and race the fastest (or best looking) model car out of a simple block of wood, then enjoy the thrill of competition with the rest of the Pack!

Sports Outings

Fitness activities like swimming, bowling, and broomball. Or an afternoon out with the Longhorns, Round Rock Express, or Texas Stars.

We meet monthly at Huffman Hall in St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. All boys & girls ages 5-11 and their families are welcome to join us in the fun and adventure!